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Jeromeuh: The extraordinary journey of a gay comic book artist

Discover the extraordinary career of Jeromeuh, a young author of gay comics who has conquered the hearts of readers with his best-selling books. In this article, we reveal to you the surprising revelations of Jeromeuh and his unique journey as a gay comic book artist. Watch this video and let yourself be surprised by his revelations, his unusual journey, and discover some of his comic strips from several of his best-selling books: "Les petites Histoires viriles" (The Little Manly Stories) and "Un Garçon au poil" (The Boy next Door)
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Jeromeuh: a talent that transcends clichés

Jeromeuh is a young author of gay comics who has distinguished himself by publishing several successful books. Among his popular creations are the comic strips titled "Les Petites histoires Viriles",(The Little Manly Stories) "Un Garçon au Poil", (The Boy Next Door), and his remarkable participation in "Normal people". But beyond his avatar sometimes criticized for being "too smooth", Jeromeuh reveals a life which, although far from homophobic acts and comments, is far from simple. Prepare to be surprised, moved and amazed by his extraordinary journey.




The origin of Jeromeuh: an inestimable chance

Jeromeuh, whose real name is Mehdi Jérôme LEPRIEUR BEJANI, was born on February 17, 1981. He is the fruit of the union of a French mother and a father of Iranian and Kurdish origin. In this video, Jeromeuh reveals that he could have been born in a country where homosexuality is completely illegal (find out which one in this video). Fortunately, his mother made the decision to return to France before he was born. This seemingly harmless event allowed him to obtain French nationality and above all to live his sexuality freely. Imagine what his life would be like if he were born in the Middle East. In this video, Jeromeuh shares his poignant story with emotion.


A path strewn with pitfalls: the perseverance of Jeromeuh

Jeromeuh's life in France was not free of difficulties. Despite his academic abilities, his parents were opposed to his pursuing artistic studies in drawing or theatre. This caused him to quickly quit school out of boredom. He then traveled to the United States and Europe, doing odd jobs. However, a decisive event will change his life as he works as a fruit and vegetable seller in Paris. He meets Bernadette Lafont, a great actress, who, discovering his drawings in her store, encourages him to pursue his passion for comics. In this video, Jeromeuh recounts with emotion how this meeting was a revelation for him, pushing him to open his own comic-blog to share the realistic adventures of his life as a young gay man in Paris through his avatar.


Growing success: Jeromeuh makes his place in the world of comics

Over the pages published on his blog, Jeromeuh's coherent work begins to take shape. His hero rubs shoulders with the caricatures of his friends, who all become real comic book characters. This autobiographical work attracted the attention of some comic book publishers, who saw the potential for publication in the form of paper albums. For Jeromeuh, making a real comic has always been a dream, and he enthusiastically seizes this opportunity.

His talent and hard work begin to pay off, and new doors open to him. He works as an illustrator for the Télévision suisse romande (TSR), collaborates with the fanzine "Rien à voir" and regularly draws for the magazines "Têtu" and "Okapi". He also contributes to the books "Wallstrip" and "What are we eating?". Jeromeuh thus manages to find a place for himself in the world of comics as a versatile and talented artist.


Jeromeuh, a philosophy of happiness in comics

In Jeromeuh's gay comics, don't expect to find difficult coming-out stories or homophobic attacks, like Fabrice Neaud's "Journals". Indeed, Jeromeuh's life has never been marked by harassment, insults or homophobic violence, whether at school or as an adult. So he chose to make his comic book hero live a life that mirrors his own.

However, in his graphic novels, Jeromeuh remains very modest. As he reveals in this video, he never talks about his own struggles with his physical appearance or his need to get away from Paris after the 2015 attacks, including the Charlie Hebdo attack. What attracts the HappyGayTV team to Jeromeuh is its ability to create gay comics that accumulate little moments of happiness. This translates a real philosophy of life that seems to tell snapshots of happy moments. However, on closer inspection, these moments can be interpreted as tinged with irony or complexity.

Jeromeuh's motto is clear: "Never believe that if you are homosexual, you have no right to be happy!" This motto resonates perfectly with the spirit of HappygayTV. After watching this interview, you'll never read gay Jeromeuh comics the same way again.


Recent news from Jeromeuh

Jeromeuh recently launched his online store, where you can find a selection of his beautifully reproduced designs on boards, mugs and more. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own an original piece of art created by this talented gay comic artist. Do not hesitate to visit his online store to discover his unique creations.

And that's not all ! In this year 2023, Jeromeuh also published a brand new comic strip entitled "Des Instants d'Amour". This new work explores themes such as love, passion and relationships, with Jeromeuh's personal touch and distinctive artistic style. Don't miss this captivating novelty from the best-selling gay comic book author. To get his new comic book it's here.



By revealing his unusual life path and sharing his talent through his comics, Jeromeuh has established himself as a promising young gay comic book artist. His authenticity, his creativity and his philosophy of happiness have conquered the hearts of readers and opened the doors to a flourishing career. With Jeromeuh, gay comics take on a new dimension, that of a sincere and entertaining exploration of the daily life of a young gay man.

Whether you are passionate about comics, interested in LGBTQ+ stories or simply looking for a captivating read, Jeromeuh's works will surprise, move and entertain you. Don't miss this opportunity to discover a talented artist and support diversity and inclusion in the world of comics.

Either way, you'll never read Jeromeuh's gay comics with the same eyes again after watching this interview!


For further :

Jeromeuh's Gay comics:

  • Les Petites Histoires viriles,(The Little Manly Stories), Delcourt editions, 2011: Amazon, La Fnac
  • Les gens Normaux, (Normal People), Casterman editions, 2013: Amazon, La Fnac
  • Un Garçon au poil, (The Boy Next Door) , Jungle editions, 2014: Amazon, La Fnac
  • Latest Gay Comics: Des Instants d'Amour (Moments of Love), 2021: here

Jeromeuh's blog

Jeromeuh's blog has evolved over time and is now on Instagram. Discover very regularly his magnificent drawings by clicking here!

NEW: Jeromeuh's online store

Discover Jeromeuh's magnificent boutique with its magnificent creations, by clicking here.


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