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HappyGayTV has an ambition (and we don't hide it): to be an open place that allows everyone to better live their homosexuality thanks to a caring and dynamic community. A utopia ? Maybe, but we do everything to make it happen! This is why our content is thought of as real resources linked in particular to coming out. This particular moment, which we relive several times, for which we sometimes need listening, help or even support.



Resources on coming out through articles

You may not have noticed, but our articles are not written by chance. We've created an entire category devoted to coming out. The objective? That you find in the same place, all the information necessary to answer your questions on the subject.

Whatever the moment, the state and the level of acceptance where you are vis-à-vis your homosexuality: we have provided you with clear and sourced resources to accompany you in your journey towards a serene and assumed gay life. .

If you're not sure where to start, you can read these first 2 resources and be guided by the topics covered:

A complete article to have avenues for reflection and action to learn to accept yourself as you are, despite past conditioning and the weight of societal injunctions: @article_(how to assume your homosexuality?)_ (necs2)

The central text on the subject to consume without moderation, since you know it, coming out is permanent in our lives when we are not heterosexual and cisgender. You are bound to discover things in the article: @article_(how to come out?)_(CODE TO ADD) how to come out?

Personalized support to support you

Sometimes the collective is not enough. Sometimes, even when surrounded, you feel alone. Without anyone to open up to on certain topics. Without knowing who to trust to reveal themselves.

It's normal.

If you feel this, it's normal.


Here are some things HGTV Coaches can benefit from with TRAININGNAME [link to name training POS]:


Add some elements of the training program as a bulleted list


So, do you want to know more?

CTA: Explore Coaching [link to POS]

Videos, films and documentaries: valuable resources

Even if we concoct beautiful written articles for you, HappyGayTV is still very focused on video, after all, it's even in our name!

Videos and shows

HappyGayTV Show the show that asks substantive questions, without forgetting the fun!

The team covers important topics to help you move forward in your LGBT life:

Gay and Jewish, is it possible?
Gay marriage,
The issue of loyalty
Gay and spirituality,
The history of the association Le Refuge, etc.

This is an opportunity to discover distinguished guests who engage in all sincerity: the moving story of Christophe Mangelle, the portrait of Nicolas Fraisse, or the highlighting of Jeromeuh and his work as a designer, etc.

Gay Street Interview shows you people like you, speaking up about the issues that matter to them. We come to meet you to talk about gay pride, queer girl, sex addict, etc.

HappyGayTV & you to get to know each other better and understand everything you will be able to find on your HappyGayTV space!

An essential documentary on coming out

You've probably heard of it if you've been interested in LGBT issues in recent years.

The documentary Coming-out by Denis Parrot is not far from being the reference on the subject. A collection of testimonials from young people from around the world coming out. This montage of videos announcing their sexual orientation or their gender identity is a valuable introduction to the subject.

Fortunately, resources on homosexuality, coming out and LGBT topics are increasingly accessible. And we are proud to contribute to it with HappyGayTV!


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See also: