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The meaning of a queer girl,fag hag : myth or reality? Discover hidden truths and broken clichés"

As part of the HappyGayTV Show, devoted to the collective of artists "Les Funambules" (soon available online) and highlighting their hit "Fille à Pédés" (fag hag, queer girl), we wondered about the true meaning of a "girl to fags". Is it a fact or a myth? What is the connection between these girls and homosexuals? To answer these questions, we took the opportunity to go to the Spring Associations Fair in Paris (France) and interview the LGBT community. This vox pop, both funny and witty, is without a doubt one of the best moments of HappyGayTV!

👉 Don't hesitate to watch it, laugh and above all share it wherever you can! THANK YOU 🙏

Take part in this vox pop on the captivating theme of the "queer girl"! Your voice matters and we look forward to hearing from you. Through HappyGayTV's internal messaging system, the Hot-Line, you can leave us an audio or video message to share your personal definition of this concept. Share your thoughts, experiences, or ideas on this fascinating topic. Join us in this open and dynamic conversation, and help us to further enrich our exploration of the diversity of human relationships. We look forward to receiving your inspiring messages! Your contribution enriches our community and helps to build an open and authentic dialogue.
So join us today and make your voice heard with pride. Go to the Hot-Line and let yourself be guided, you'll see it's very simple, it's child's play! And above all, don't forget to tell us that your message is related to the theme: Fag hag! The whole HappyGayTV team is counting on you, thank you! This will be broadcast, either within the HappyGayTV Club (sign up here), or in one of our shows. Anyway, it will be seen by all of our followers.


What is a Fag hag ?

A fag hag is a heterosexual woman or young girl who seeks real complicity with homosexual men, a friendship without any kind of ambiguity. Thus, she feels reassured. This gay man acts, in a way, as a confidant, a protector. She knows that with him, she is not in danger, she does not fear anything. Thanks to him, she will be able to attend places, go to parties, where she would never have had the courage to go alone. But the risk is that from this complicity, an impossible, inaccessible love of an exclusively platonic nature is born. Because, as you understood it, unless the guy is bi, it is quite obvious that it can never lead to a sexual relation. And who knows, if in the long term, she will not regret having chosen this very special friendship ...

Another acceptance of the term fag hag is to qualify a girl or a woman who frees herself from prejudices, from the dictates of society, to live her life in a completely free way. This qualifier could be considered a vulgar term due to the use of the word "fag", considered to be pejorative. However, more often than not, and the song of the Funambules testifies, it is a rather friendly term, a true tribute dedicated to women who want to live their lives as they see fit.




Fag hag : Myth or Reality?

This term is not at all an invention, a view of the mind, since famous women have openly displayed their relationship with homosexuals such as Marguerite Yourcenar or Marguerite Duras who, for her part, has really lived with a gay who was none other than Yann Andréas.
There was also a Miss Fag Hag (queer girl) election held in 2010, during the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island (Brooklyn, New York city, USA).

Girls and gays in gay culture

In the cinema and in the series

Many films deal with this subject, the very first is undoubtedly: “Remember last summer” directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, from the eponymous play by Tenessee Williams where Elisabeth Taylor agrees to accompany Montgomery Clift, to allow her to seduce the men she herself attracts.

Among French films, we cannot ignore the excellent “Soft Pedals” where Fanny Ardant and Michèle Laroque are typically assumed “queer girls”.

"An almost perfect couple" or Madonna and Rupert Everett, will get together to jointly raise a child.

In the Glee series, a series where there are assumed LGBT characters, Kurt clearly qualifies Tina as FAP (queer girl) in the fourteenth episode of season 4.

In the litterature

One of the most famous works, which has also given rise to a television series and which shows very well this attachment of women to homosexuals, are obviously the various books of Armistead Maupin and his famous Chronicle of San Francisco, which very well describes a queer girl with the very endearing character of Mona.

In Japan since the 1970s, there are Mangas called Yaoi and in Europe "Boys' love" which are literary works which are addressed only to girls and whose characters are exclusively homosexuals.

In the song

In the popular French-language song, the first title to have mentioned a friendship between a girl and a gay and the impossible love that characterizes this relationship is: “Un garçon pas comme les autres" (Ziggy, il s’appelle, Ziggy…)  “A boy unlike any other” (Ziggy, his name is, Ziggy…) in the rock opera "Starmania" by Luc Plamondon / Michel Berger / Tim Rice, hit performed by Fabienne Thibeault (1978) and taken over in 1987 by Céline Dion.

Let’s not forget either, the Funambules album, with their flagship title, "Fille à Pédés" : "Fag Hag", the proceeds of which go directly to associations fighting against transphobia and homophobia.

In the English song, it is unambiguous that Lily Allen, sings "Fag Hag" in her album: "It’s not me, it’s you!" (2009)

👉What do you think? Do you have your own definition of FAP?

Do you think that in the opposite direction, there would also be "Dykes guys"?
Give us your opinion, by completing this street interview yourself, by sending us your message directly as an audio or video file via the Hot-Line.
And without forgetting to tell us that your comment is related to the theme: Fag Hag!

Thank you! 😉


© HappyGayTV - August 2022

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