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A Gay Pride? Yes ! But which ? When the Gay Pride season starts, it is not always easy to make a choice among all those who will parade almost everywhere in the world! Often for lack of time or out of habit, you go to the main gay pride in your country, or to the one held in the city closest to where you live.


That's why HappyGayTV has decided to introduce you to many Gay Prides around the world.

So we're taking you today to Mas Palomas Gay Pride in Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands. And it is by watching our report on the spot, that you will understand why not all Gay Pride are alike!

Indeed, is this event still intended to remind everyone, why gay pride exists? This great gathering of Gran Canaria, does it still help to sensitize the crowd present at Mas Palomas, on the question of LGBT rights, the rights of Gays, by simply recalling how important they are still today and still, alas , so fragile? Anyway, as you will see, this great party, this magnificent LGBT parade, is good for everyone, participants and spectators alike. As you will be able to see, it is a magnificent interlude, an enchanted parenthesis which, on this island, lasts 15 days! A place where all gays can finally feel free and equal, and above all freed from the gaze of others! Anyway, one thing is certain, it is a gay pride that has the merit of doing good to body and soul!


All Gay Pride are not alike!

It's funny how gay pride can be different from one country to another. As a Frenchman, I know the Paris Gay Pride quite well, as a spectator, but also as a participant! And if at the time when I write this article, I do not claim to know all the Gayprides in the world, I still want to discover some with you, some others, by walking around the cameras of 'HappyGayTV in my luggage, wherever I go. For this first year, I therefore decided to take you to the Gay pride of Gran Canaria, in the Canary Islands.


Gran Canaria Gay Pride, 15 days of celebrations!

Gran Canaria Gay Pride takes place in May for 15 days! But no matter the time, because there, the party is always in full swing, under a radiant sun! The sun is outside, but also in all hearts. As you can see in this video, the population of Gran Canaria increases quite significantly during these 15 days, it's impressive, even in the image! We meet gays from all over the world, Americans, English, Germans, French... And of course, Spaniards!

And these 15 days of celebrations end with an exceptional evening, an apotheosis, with the parade itself, and an absolutely magical night at the Yumbo Center!


The particularity of Mas Palomas Gay Pride

But what struck me the most about this LGBT party, its particularity, is that unlike Paris gay pride, where the big gay militant associations parade on their floats, with many demands, here in Playa de Ingles , nothing of that ! The floats are reserved and decorated in the colors of each Gay business, simply displaying their sign. Not only those of the gay center of Mas Palomas, the Yumbo center, but also those a little more out of the way!

I'm not very good at Spanish, but I didn't see or understand that there was the slightest claim to defend the rights of gays, LGBT, during this parade, which one could deplore ! But it is also, in a certain way, what gives this Gay Pride a taste of lightness, not to say beautiful carelessness! Isn't this already a beautiful claim? And the reason for this celebration, is it not also and above all, that of telling the whole world that we exist, that we are ultimately an important part of the population, a significant part of humanity? And finally, isn't our supreme claim to be able to live free and happy, to be able to party, whenever we want? Which is far from being the case, even today, in many countries of the world!


What do you think of Gay Pride?

It's your turn now to give us your opinion, on this gaypride or on Gayprides in general!
For example, do you think for example that nowadays gay prides are still useful?
Leave us your comment, on the Hot-line, in the form of an audio or video message by clicking here.

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Indeed other reports of this type will follow!

And above all, thank you for sharing this video, by email, by SMS, on all social networks at greater number !

Thanks to you !

Marco Drion

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See also