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HappyGayTV: New Gay Netflix?

Why is the launch of the website of the brand new gay channel HappyGayTV so important?

It is true that the team, at the initiative of this project, could have contented itself with creating a channel on Youtube, or on Vimeo and then sharing the videos thus edited, on social networks.


In fact, unlike what is done elsewhere, the HappyGayTV site is not a showcase site, but it is at the heart of the strategy of this project, because it contains an essential tool, something fundamental in the creation of this gay channel is the Hot-Line!

And, as you will understand by reading these few lines, the HappyGayTV site is The Little Gay Netflix of personal development!


The HappyGayTV Hotline, a crazy project!

The wish of the creators of HappyGayTV, for this gay personal development channel, was that everyone could take an active part in this project, by contributing their experience, their comments, their ideas, to share them with as many people as possible.

This is why, at the heart of this chain, a single tool was needed that could work anywhere and on any medium.

A tool that can allow everyone, from any computer, from any recent phone, to be able to leave an audio or video message!

So it had to work and be displayed on Windows and MacOS, but also on Android and iOS!

But it is also without counting that, contrary to what one might think, internet browsers also have their say!

Indeed, all browsers are different from each other (Chrome, Firefox, Safari), and asking them to do the same thing, i.e. to display the HappygayTV site in a substantially identical way, does not is not easy at all!

It is true that it is the task of each developer to remedy this! But when you also have to ask each browser to allow someone to edit from any device, a video or an audio message and then send it to a server, that is indeed a very arduous, not to say “difficult”!

And yet, this feat, was achieved by our developer Jeremie, who with my help and our stubbornness; we managed to put the Hot-Line online!

So get started, test this superb tool now, by leaving us a little audio or video message! You have 2 minutes in all to express yourself! Click here ! We will all be very happy to receive your messages!

Know that for the sake of clarity, we wanted to guide you step by step, and that is why, I invite you to watch the 2 videos within the Hot-Line, and which are there to guide you, if ever you were a bit lost!

The Hot-line is here, just click here now! Thank you for your message  !


The HappyGayTV site: an interface worthy of a small Gay Netflix!

In fact, as you have understood, the HappyGayTV site is much more than a simple site, it is already a real application that runs on the 3 major browsers that most Internet users use, both PC and Mac, but also on smartphones..

As you can see, when the HappyGayTV site is deployed in its full version, it will offer a very intuitive and very comfortable user experience!

The idea was to ensure that each visitor remembers having visited our site, but also that he wants to come back as often as possible.

This is why, with this in mind, the HappyGayTV team wanted the site to be worthy of a video-on-demand platform, such as myCanal, Prime Vidéo or even Netflix.

Certainly, if the technique that is hidden behind it, makes it possible to achieve this feat, we mustn't neglect the quality of its graphic interface, which we wanted to be as clear and as intuitive as possible.

And it is thanks to Olivier Vuarnesson, our graphic designer, that we were able to create something clear, harmonious and intuitive, and above all, which adapts in an obvious way in responsive mode, that is to say compatible with the formats portrait or landscape (display on PC and/or smartphone).


5,4,3,2,1... and our little gay Netflix has been launched!

Here is the launch of the HappyGayTV site, almost a year of hard work! And it was a bit on a whim that I decided to launch it! Everything was ready, so why delay putting it online? For the record, I had invited my best friends to come and celebrate my birthday, not even knowing, a few hours earlier, if Jeremie, our developer, would have finished in time. As you have understood, almost no one was aware of the challenge that was going to take place that evening. It was agreed to launch it at 9 p.m. Paris time. It was a huge surprise for everyone, including myself, because when the countdown came, although Jeremie, who was in Dublin at the time, was confident, I was no less certain than that was going to work as expected!

A year of hard work, to be able to put the HappygayTV.com site online. And if it has been so long, it is also because other surprises will arrive very soon, with the deployment of the site in its entirety! Indeed, other features will soon be there for your greatest pleasure.

So I invite you to follow us on this great adventure: register for the HappyGayTV Club, which will allow you to stay in touch with us, but above all will allow you to have the right to access even more of videos, when the site will be launched in its entirety!

So register now, without wasting a moment, it's here!

See you soon and thank you for reading these few lines!

See you soon !

Marco Drion


PS: Please note, on smartphones, the site doesn't work on "browsers" included in social network applications. It is absolutely necessary to exit these applications and open the Hot-Line link in a real browser, ie either in Chrome, Firefox or Safari.



© HappyGayTV - April 2022

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See also